Building STEAM

We’re Building STEAM . . . Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math, through a Culture that Values Collaboration, Responsibility, Leadership, and Strong Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills!

Mountain School has embraced STEAM to further prepare our students for the 21st Century.  We strongly believe in cultivating a culture of students and educators that value collaboration and leadership, using problem solving and critical thinking skills, empowering each of us to be active learners. We continue to develop and provide engaging, integrated STEAM experiences for our students through:

  • diversifying our tech programs (keyboarding, digital citizenship, and on-line curricula), 
  • attending teacher trainings,
  • collaborating with community partners
  • focusing on STEAM related excursions and 
  • increasing speakers and events for and from our community
  • regularly incorporate STEAM in weekly classroom schedules (STEAM Fridays)