Our Curriculum at Mountain School

Mountain School provides elementary school students with a supportive environment to explore their interests and individuality. At our tuition-free school, we focus on the whole child by allowing students to learn about themselves while making connections within their community. Our caring and attentive faculty and staff help children develop, achieve, and celebrate their academic goals. As a student at Mountain School, your child can expect the following:

Language Arts

At Mountain School, our language arts curriculum combines a variety of educational materials to enhance student reading and writing skills, including Jolly Phonics for younger students and Houghton Mifflin Leveled readers in upper grades. This program prepares students for more advanced academic concepts.


Our elementary students learn from the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum. This rigorous curriculum is designed to help students develop a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts in an explorative and engaging way.

Science/Social Studies

These core studies combine multiple disciplines and encourage students to develop their own personal projects while developing meaningful experiences.  

Weekly Classes

Mountain School’s curriculum additionally includes weekly classes; all with the intention for students to explore their interests and personal creativity. In these classes, students will gain insightful knowledge while having the opportunity to explore subjects on a deeper level. These subjects include: Music, Art, Spanish, PE, and STEAM studies.

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