School Safety Reporting Policy

HB2119, A.R.S.  15-153

Mountain School designates the school administration team, comprised of the Executive Director, Principal and the Business Manager, to oversee employee documentation and report to law enforcement any “suspected” crime covered by the statute.

  1. Mountain School will report to local law enforcement any suspected crime against a person or property that is:
  • a “serious offense”
  • or involves a “deadly weapon”
  • or “dangerous instrument”
  • or “serious physical injury;”
  • or any conduct that poses a threat of death or “serious physical injury” to an employee, student or other person on school property
  1. The Mountain School administration will notify the parent or guardian of each student who is involved in a suspected crime or any conduct described above.
  2. The Mountain School administration will:
  • Require employees to comply with reporting requirements
  • Provide training annually on School Safety Reporting
  • Include the policy in the school’s safety binder that is in every classroom
  • Document and maintain a record regarding any employee who is disciplined under the policy
  • Upon request, make the employee record available to any public school that is considering hiring that person.

In addition, if an employee fails to comply with the statute’s reporting requirements, the charter school may discipline the employee, including terminating their employment.

Conduct that is bullying, harassment or intimidation is excluded from these requirements.

FERPA includes a “health or safety emergency exception” that allows disclosure of personally identifiable student information in certain circumstances, and that exception may be relevant in these types of situations.

Adopted by the Mountain School Governing Board, December 12, 2019

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